C.S. Wachter – The Author

C. S. Wachter – The Author
I flunked Creative Writing in college. Of course, I could say it was the professor’s fault; but I admit the fault was mine. I was lazy, self-centered, and full of myself … Oh, I guess I was a typical eighteen-year old. (Please take no offense eighteen year olds, but we all have our moments.) I had no experience, no discipline, and my imagination was in its infancy.
Fast forward forty-some years … I’m now a grandmother with some experience under my somewhat wider belt. And though I am still rather self-centered, I am no longer full of myself. But I would have to admit to greater changes in my level of discipline and a more mature imagination.
Enter: Chris as author!
I am a sixty-something mother of three amazing sons, grandmother of one cute little grandson and a pretty as a princess granddaughter. I have been married to the same absolutely amazingly patient man for nearly forty years. Graduate of Rowan University with a BA in Performing Arts and English Education (in spite of my failure in Creative Writing).
I spend my days obsessively writing. (Wow, I really do!) And I have been known to spend way too much time gaming on a borrowed X-box.
A degree in Performing Arts and English Education from Rowan University, a job as a professional proofreader, and more than fifty-years of experience as a voracious reader of multiple genres (most especially christian fantasy), honed by a level of maturity I didn’t possess when I was in my twenties, have prepared me to finally write what I have always loved, fantasy (specifically Christian Fantasy).
I love living in rural Lancaster County, PA and if I’m not writing, I’m reading, walking my collie, working on counted cross stitch, or spending time with family and friends. (I admit, sometimes I can be caught gaming on a borrowed X-Box.)